The IDA will be inaccessible on March 22, 2025 from 9:00AM to 12:00PM PST for system maintenance.
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The Image and Data Archive (IDA) is a secure online resource for archiving, exploring and sharing neuroscience data.
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The Image & Data Archive (IDA) is run by the Laboratory of Neuro Imaging (LONI) at the USC Mark and Mary Stevens Neuroimaging and Informatics Institute. The laboratory first started managing neuroimaging data for multi-centered research studies in the late 1990's, which led to the development of the IDA. Since that time the IDA has become a nexus for many multi-site collaborations. LONI strives to be a global leader in neuroscience data management and informatics solutions that facilitate data preservation, exploration and sharing.

The Image and Data Archive provides tools and resources for de-identifying, integrating, searching, visualizing and sharing a diverse range of neuroscience data and facilitates collaborations between scientists worldwide. Study investigators maintain complete control over data stored in the IDA while benefiting from a robust and reliable infrastructure that protects and preserves research data to maximize data collection investment.

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Investigators around the world rely on the IDA to safeguard and share their neuroscience data
Quick Start
The IDA contains data collected for more than 0 studies focused on processes such as development, aging and the progression of specific diseases. Many studies have generous data sharing policies and support online access requests.
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Use the Featured Studies section above to filter studies based on specific criteria. You can access Open Use studies with an IDA account, and can apply to access other studies. To learn more about downloading data, please see the IDA Download FAQs.
Upload Data
Individuals needing to upload data for a study that is utilizing the IDA must have an existing IDA account. If you do not have an IDA account you can create one by clicking the “Sign Up” button above. Once you have an account, you will need to request upload access. Please contact the study's coordinating center for details about subject identifier conventions and obtaining upload access. To learn more about how to upload data, please see the IDA Upload FAQs.
Funding Sources
Funding for the IDA is provided by these organizations
National Institutes of Health
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering